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ALV | A Little Ventilation | |
BB | Barbican Bikestand | |
BF | Between Floors | |
BI | Brutality Illuminated | |
BID | Brutal Idyll | |
BL | Brighton Line | |
BS | Brutal Shadow | |
BTRM | Behind the Royal Mile | |
CCC | Concrete Criss-Cross | |
CH | Chaucer House | |
CIIO | Clad in Iron Oxide | |
CWGYAB | Composition with Grey, Yellow and Bikes | |
DL | Dismal Landing | |
DS | Deansgate Square | |
FP | Flightpath | |
GG | Graffiti Gallery | |
LRSAD | London Road Station at Dusk | |
ML | Millennium Light | |
NL | Nuclear Landscape | |
NSB | Neon: Salt Beef | |
NSITA | No smoking in this area | |
NSW | North South West | |
NT | Neon: Tattoo | |
OO4S | Out of 4 Star | |
P | Power | |
P-1 | Planta -1 | |
R | Ravaged | |
RWAV1 | Room With A View I | |
RWAV2 | Room With A View II | |
RWAV3 | Room With A View III | |
RWAV4 | Room With A View IV | |
RWAV5 | Room With A View V | |
SBAR | Storm Brewing at Ribblehead | |
SBS | South Bank Sk8ers | |
SPAT | Same Place Another Time | |
TLH | The Lone Hurricane | |
TS | Trellick Shower | |
TSEMW | The South East Mid West | |
US | Urban Stalactites | |
UTG | Up to G | |
VECN | Vertical Existence - Canary Wharf | |
VEDS | Vertical Existence - Deansgate Square | |
VEN | Vertical Existence - Newfoundland | |
VETG | Vertical Existence - The Gherkin | |
ALV-AP-A4 | Art Poster A4 |
ALV-AP-A3 | Art Poster A3 |
ALV-AP-A2 | Art Poster A2 |
ALV-PP-70100 | Premium Poster |
ALV-FAP-A2 | Fine Art Paper A2 |
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