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Urban Stalactites

I'm always on the lookout for potential photo opportunities, and like an artist may carry a sketchbook, I keep an electronic notebook of places I see when out and about that require further investigation.

I spotted what looked like a block of double-deck garages behind a fence about 2 years ago, but only just had the chance to take a closer look.

"The Unlock-Up" by Jon McRae Photography

Indeed, I'm not sure I've seen double-deck garages before but it made for an interesting collection of photos, including the sheared padlock in the picture 'The Unlock-Up' above, and 'Urban Stalactites' below, taken on the lower deck.

'Urban Stalactites' printed up really nicely so is now available as a limited edition print from the Print Shop.

"Urban Stalactites" by Jon McRae Photography

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